Dummy Systems ============= Some of the systems are provided not for production use but for use as dummies during development on a desktop system. These systems provide implementations of interfaces normally implemented on devices using facilities that are commonly available on a desktop computer. SDL Dummy System ---------------- The SDL dummy system uses the Simple DirectMedia Layer to provide certain capability implementations. The SDL system is not included in a build by default. To include it build the library with the SDL_DUMMIES=1 parameter, and be sure to include libsdl when linking. 2D Graphics ^^^^^^^^^^^ The SDL dummy system provides an implementation of the 2D graphics capability in terms of SDL video. This can be used to try application code that is written in terms of this capability. .. doxygenclass:: WindowedSdl2dGraphicsSurface :members: .. doxygenclass:: InMemorySdl2dGraphicsSurface :members: